I support busy people who are struggling with neck and shoulder pain.
Through massage therapy I help reduce the pain and stress, enable them to move freely, sleep better and so move on with their lives.

All massage sessions include a consultation and I will listen to your desired outcome from the treatment. With your help I will decide on the best treatment for you. I will always explain what I am doing and you can always ask questions and I expect your input – unless you are zoning out and aiming for blissful relaxation!

Swedish Massage

£45 – 1 Hour £25 – ½ Hour

Swedish massage not only feels exceptionally good, but has many benefits. It affects the nerves, muscles, glands, circulation, and promotes our general health and wellbeing. As a treatment it helps reduce stress, both emotional and physical, and is often suggested in a program for stress management.

Remedial Massage

£48 – 1 Hour

Remedial Massage involves the general and specific assessment of joints around the problem area and then deeper soft tissue massage techniques that are usually required to treat many painful conditions. Usually, a particular body area is being treated, with targeted massage, as opposed to a whole-body massage.

Sports Massage

£48 – 1 Hour

Sports massage is a great way to remedy soft tissue injuries, muscle tension, range of movement and flexibility. It prevents muscular & tendinous injuries, aids consistency in training, heals acute injuries properly and improves sporting performance and circulation.

Deep Tissue

£48 – 1 Hour £27 – ½ Hour

Deep Tissue Massage has many benefits including: increase in range of movement in muscles and joints, aid with muscular aches and pains, reduction of muscle tension and stiffness, improvement in blood flow and circulation to the muscles and break down of any adhesions/knots held in the muscles.

Please note that for appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice then the full payment will be requested.

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